Alan tells the story of his conversion to Christ. Alan and his wife Ruth live in Glasgow, Scotland, U. K. Alan told his conversion story in Kamloops, B. C. June 11, 2023.

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Dave Richards tells the story of his conversion to Christ. Told at Kamloops on November 11, 2018.

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Dave McKillen tells the story of his conversion to Christ. Told at the beginning of a special Gospel series in Kamloops March 26th 2017.

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Alan Smith, Kirkconnel, Scotland, tells how he came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as his own personal Saviour. This testimony was told in Kamloops on October 2, 2016.

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John Selesnic, Brampton, Ontario, tells how he came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as his own personal Saviour. This testimony was told in Kamloops on May 8, 2016.

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Sarah Stanyer Testimony of Salvation

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The Story of Ajay kumar Chhatria, Orissa, India

To read the conversion and call to God's service story of Ajay just click here for the pdf file
Ajay with his wife and daughters
Ajay with his wife and daughters
Hans Steffensen tells the story of how he came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as his own personal Saviour and Lord. Told in Kamloops August 11, 2013.

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Bill Lavery, Ferndale, Michigan tells the story of his conversion to the Lord Jesus Christ. Recorded at Salem Gospel Hall, Salem Oregon in April 1987.

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Norman Atkinson tells the story of his conversion. Norman told his story on November 25, 2018 at Kamloops

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My Story, Sarah Atkinson

Sarah writes: "as soon as I heard that word "HATH" I knew that I was saved." Sarah, who has recently been married to Norman, tells the story of how she found peace and joy in the Lord Jesus Christ. When she was 15 years old she rested in the work of the Lord Jesus on the cross for her. This peace and joy can be yours also. Read how you can be saved as Sarah tells, in her own words, how she was saved.
It was late at night around 11:00pm in October 2001. I had been lying awake in bed for a few hours feeling really upset and troubled about where my soul would be if I died. I finally got up, and walked over to my dad's room to talk. This may seem like a strange concern for a fifteen year old girl but I had the privilege of having parents who taught me about serious truths and realities from the Bible. From the time I was a little girl, I was taught how that the first man, Adam, sinned in the Garden of Eden (Genesis ch. 3) and as a result, every human is born with a sinful nature and sins every day.
"... By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned." - Romans 5:12
Because we are born under sin, we must be born again spiritually with a new nature in order to enter into God's perfect Heaven.
" Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." - John3:3
God loves us even though we sin against Him, so He made it possible for us to have that "new birth". He did so by sending His Son, Jesus (who never sinned and who never could sin) into the world to die on the cross as a substitute for us.
" He hath poured out His soul unto death: and He was numbered with the transgressors; and He bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors." - Isaiah 53:12
" For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." - Romans 6:23
" For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in HIm should not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16
You may wonder why I was having such a problem with this. If I knew all about this my whole life, why was I, at fifteen, still worried about being in Hell? That's because, although the Lord Jesus has died so that we can live, we have to accept salvation personally for ourselves and put our faith and trust in Him. I had not done that. For years I had struggled with trying to believe God, and praying for salvation. Ephesians 2:8 - 9 says " For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast."
When I went to my dad's room that night, I told him that I wanted to be saved. He went over the basics of salvation with me and quoted verse after verse from the Bible --- verses that I had grown up memorizing. I was so frustrated because I knew them and I had tried to be saved reading them before. I finally gave up trying within myself. I felt like I would never be saved. My dad quoted John 5:24, "He that heareth my word and believeth on Him that sent me..." he paused and said, "you either believe or you don't." I thought to myself --- well I do believe. Dad continued quoting the verse "...and believeth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." I had given up on my own efforts and as soon as I heard that word "HATH" I knew that I was saved. God's word said it---"HATH": present tense, I was saved. I chose at that moment to believe God in simple faith.
I remember before I was saved I felt like I was in a dark tunnel with no light at the end. My mind was often in fear of dying or the second coming of the Lord and I was never really at peace in my heart. Since I've been saved, no matter what happens in my life, I have peace in my soul. Jesus didn't stay in the grave when He died, but He rose again and lives in Heaven. I have a relationship with Him now and I am able to find comfort in prayer and reading God's word. He is a constant and faithful friend who has never left my side and picks me up every time I fall down. I'm thrilled every time I hear God and the Lord Jesus praised and I can look forward to a happy day when I will be in Heaven, praise God forever and see loved ones again. It's going to be a wonderful place.
"...God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." - Revelation 21:4
I don't want to make things sound more complicated than they are. Salvation is so simple. I'm writing this because I would wish for you to all come to have the joy that I have from knowing the Lord Jesus as my Saviour.
Sarah Atkinson
"... By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned." - Romans 5:12
Because we are born under sin, we must be born again spiritually with a new nature in order to enter into God's perfect Heaven.
" Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." - John3:3
God loves us even though we sin against Him, so He made it possible for us to have that "new birth". He did so by sending His Son, Jesus (who never sinned and who never could sin) into the world to die on the cross as a substitute for us.
" He hath poured out His soul unto death: and He was numbered with the transgressors; and He bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors." - Isaiah 53:12
" For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." - Romans 6:23
" For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in HIm should not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16
You may wonder why I was having such a problem with this. If I knew all about this my whole life, why was I, at fifteen, still worried about being in Hell? That's because, although the Lord Jesus has died so that we can live, we have to accept salvation personally for ourselves and put our faith and trust in Him. I had not done that. For years I had struggled with trying to believe God, and praying for salvation. Ephesians 2:8 - 9 says " For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast."
When I went to my dad's room that night, I told him that I wanted to be saved. He went over the basics of salvation with me and quoted verse after verse from the Bible --- verses that I had grown up memorizing. I was so frustrated because I knew them and I had tried to be saved reading them before. I finally gave up trying within myself. I felt like I would never be saved. My dad quoted John 5:24, "He that heareth my word and believeth on Him that sent me..." he paused and said, "you either believe or you don't." I thought to myself --- well I do believe. Dad continued quoting the verse "...and believeth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life." I had given up on my own efforts and as soon as I heard that word "HATH" I knew that I was saved. God's word said it---"HATH": present tense, I was saved. I chose at that moment to believe God in simple faith.
I remember before I was saved I felt like I was in a dark tunnel with no light at the end. My mind was often in fear of dying or the second coming of the Lord and I was never really at peace in my heart. Since I've been saved, no matter what happens in my life, I have peace in my soul. Jesus didn't stay in the grave when He died, but He rose again and lives in Heaven. I have a relationship with Him now and I am able to find comfort in prayer and reading God's word. He is a constant and faithful friend who has never left my side and picks me up every time I fall down. I'm thrilled every time I hear God and the Lord Jesus praised and I can look forward to a happy day when I will be in Heaven, praise God forever and see loved ones again. It's going to be a wonderful place.
"...God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." - Revelation 21:4
I don't want to make things sound more complicated than they are. Salvation is so simple. I'm writing this because I would wish for you to all come to have the joy that I have from knowing the Lord Jesus as my Saviour.
Sarah Atkinson
Peter Orasuk: From Drugs to Christ

Peter Orasuk was born on February 1, 1948. In the message below Peter will tell how he found purpose and meaning for life now and life everlasting in the Lord Jesus Christ on December 28, 1976. Peter struggled with cancer for sometime and passed into the presence of his Lord on October 9, 2005. The reality of salvation was lived out in Peter's life as he sought to tell others of the wonders of the Lord Jesus Christ and His work on the cross for sinners. Left click the file icon below to "play" or right click to "download" to "save target as" and you can listen to Peter tell the story of how he found lasting joy and peace in the one who died for him.

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How Karen and Hoy found true peace in the Lord Jesus Christ
The Dec. 2009 article of "The ENCOURAGER", a sunday school magazine, tells how after many years Karen and Hoy found true peace in the Lord Jesus Christ. To read the story just click on the title above and the link will open the article.
Marvin Derksen and Peter Ramsay shared in a Gospel series in Kamloops from April 26 - May 8, 2011. To read the stories of how they came to know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour just click their photos below and the pdf files will open.
Marvin Derksen's story of how he was saved.![]() Just click the photo to read Marvin's story.
John Fitzpatrick's story of how he was saved told May 12, 2013 at Kamloops![]()
Lesley Wells, Halifax, NS. tells of his conversion, Kamloops, B. C. April 30, 2023![]()
Joan Burr's graveside and in the Gospel Hall messages.
Peter Ramsay's story of how he was saved.

Just click the photo to read Peter's story.
Stan Wells' story of how he was saved told May 26, 2013 at Kamloops

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Trevor Saword, Halifax, NS. tells of his conversion, Kamloops, B. C. April 30, 2023

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