Children's Page
Sunday School every Sunday at 11:30 am.
Children's Stories
"David and Goliath" as told by Lucas Griffin of Westbank, B. C. at the 2010 Annual ConferenceLeft click the file icon below to play or right click to download.
"The Good Shepherd" as told by Trevor Bylsma of Kamloops at the 2013 Annual ConferenceLeft click the file icon below to play or right click to download.
"The Son of God Loved me" as told by Kyle Fairfield of Delta, B. C. at the 2015 Annual Kamloops Conference.
Left click the file icon below to play or right click to download.
"Brought to God" as told by Jeremy Griffin of Westbank, B. C. at the 2012 Annual ConferenceLeft click the file icon below to play or right click to download.
"Lessons in Salvation" as told by Tim Kim of Edmonton, Alberta at the 2014 Annual Kamloops Conference.
"Jesus said: I am the Way" as told by Mark Ricahrds of Edmonton, Alberta at the 2016 Annual Conference.Left click the file icon below to play or right click to download.
"Hands" As told by Steve Brand at the annual 2018 Bible Conference. Left click the file icon to play or right click to download.
Jesus said: "Suffer (allow) the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God". Mark 10:14